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Our Events Scrapbook

August 18 2024
of Patrick Malone
Saint Bart's new priest

Birthday Cake
Bill Hughes's 90th Birthday Party
February 18, 2024

Boat at Saint Briac corrected.jpg

Our Autumn Teatime Concert

8 October 2023

"Escale Armoricaine"


Jean-René André (head organist for the Rennes Cathedrale)


Laurent Dhoosche (ex-oboe soloist for the 'Orchestre National de Bretagne')


The  first part of the programme "Escale Armoricaine", based on works composed by Jean-René André himself, who is both the organist and the composer. This is a brief retrospective on his work on Brittany and its Celtic Heritage.

"Saint Briac rouge",  Pascal Noblet

August 5, 2023 Dinard Opening at St Bart's

May 7, 2023, Saint Bart's Coronation Lunch

The whole team at Saint Bartholomew's pulled together to serve a lovely coronation lunch. 

Beverly Gill managed the project with the help of Val, Geoff, and Hilary,

and the cooks included Colin Ashton for a lovely Coronation Quiche and tray cakes,

Tony and Tricia for Coronation Chicken and Trifle, Drinks and site management

by the Church wardens, a.k.a. the Davids, and contributions of one kind or another from just about everyone else!

The Coronation of King Charles III

The Coronation of King Charles III was a historic moment in the life of the British Nation, but also in the lives of people like you and me.  Many little children standing on the shoulders of parents and grandparents will remember all their lives watching the gilded carriage, the flags, the beautiful princes and princesses, the magnificent steeds, the fabulous uniforms, and they will remember how their ears were filled with roaring crowds and the music of pomp and circumstance.  Some of us older folk will think of Shakespeare a little differently from now on, having witnessed in the Cathedral the trivial and the high drama of royal families. But which play will we be wanting to reread first?

Decorative Ornaments

Christmas 2022

We had a merry and musical Christmas this year, which we celebrated, like a French wedding, over 3 days.

Vide Grenier

Every autumn we hold a Jumble Sale, or 'Vide Grenier'.  In 2022 we

sold a particularly lovely variety of things from our attics, including books, videos, a bit of linen and fine china ... not to mention original paintings by local artists.  See you next November?

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Dinard Opening 2022

Ensemble Renard from the Royal Academy of Music

Featuring tea and scones in the garden afterwards, courtesy of LINDFIELD

The Queen's Jubilee
June 2022

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